What is the movie spring breakers about
What is the movie spring breakers about

#What is the movie spring breakers about movie

I still don't really know what to make to Spring Breakers but it definitely isn't my thing. The movie suggests that its spring breakersespecially its two most audaciousare getting, guns ablaze, the education of their life, and that college itself is, rather, the permanent vacation where. Why are we even trapped in this nightmare if the characters are deliberately raising the stakes? It's a film that relishes on forced juxtapositions such as singing Britney Spears over robberies and it ends up obvious or pointless, nulling its effect. Every time a character starts to becomes sympathetic, they leave the film, and far too easily at that. One group gets to go home like nothing ever happened, one group gets massacred and its somehow okay. I'm not sure who this film is aiming at, the type of person the film is about or the art-house crowd where the the techs are the furthest to their taste? It wants to be a comment on contemporary party culture but its unrealistic characters make it unbearably tedious. In the end, one group of people gets to come into this town, party it up and take part in all kinds of illegal and immoral activity with absolutely no consequences at the expense of another group.

what is the movie spring breakers about

The first thing that bothered me about this movie was the blatant use and glorification of drugs and alcohol. With MTV style cinematography and editing, a dubstep soundtrack and drama distant from the camera, the result is an unpleasant nightmare. The movie Spring Breakers is not only an artistically bland and poorly written movie due to specific conventions and codes by the director but also glorifies illegal and unhealthy behavior in teenagers. Spring Breakers is perhaps his most mainstream effort given the concept, stars and the slick production but it's probably his least interesting. But 'Spring Breakers,' in all its f-ked up debauchery, isnt a completely inaccurate depiction of college kids on vacay. Purposefully fragmented and surreal (Korine calls it a pop poem), it’s not the best movie of the year. I can often see what he's trying to do but its lack of character and substance hurts it. Like Kids, Spring Breakers is destined to become a sacred testament to a legion of restless American children they’ll memorize the lines and act out the scenes, all while abandoning any hint of morality.

what is the movie spring breakers about

I've seen 3 of his other films, Gummo, Mister Lonely and Julien Donkey Boy and I thought they were decent to good.

What is the movie spring breakers about